JUMP TOGetting startedClient SandboxApprove or Reject a Transfer Id.postFund the account.postAuthenticationGenerate Password.postGet Access TokenpostAccountsUser AccountsGet User Account DetailsgetUser Login.postCreate UserspostSub-AccountsShow User Details.getList All Subsidiaries.getCreate Credentials for Existing Sub-Accounts.putCreate Sub-Account.postReset User Credentials.putDeactivate a subsidiary account.putFX CurrenciesThird-Party CurrenciesRetrieve Main currencies for Third Parties.getRetrieve Exchange currencies for Third Parties.getMoney Transfer CurrenciesRetrieve Main currencies for Money Transfers.getRetrieve Exchange currencies for Money Transfers.getWallet CurrenciesRetrieve Exchange currencies for Cards.getFx RatesThird-Party RatesDisplay Rates from Main currency to Exchange currency.postDisplay Rates from Exchange currency into Main currency.postShows conversion rates for all currencies.postMoney Transfer RatesDisplay conversion rates for all Money Transfer currencies.postDisplay Rates from Exchange currency into Main currency.postDisplay Rates from a Main currency into an Exchange currency.postWallet RatesDisplay Rates from an Exchange currency into a Main currency.postDisplay Rates from Main currency into Exchange currency.postDisplay conversion rates for all Card currencies.postfx quotesThird-Party QuotesCreate a Quote by Trading a Main currency into an Exchange currency.postCreate a Quote by Trading an Exchange currency into a Main currency.postRetrieve a Quote by Id.getMoney Transfer QuotesCreate a Quote by Trading an Exchange currency into a Main currency.postCreate a Quote by Trading a Main currency into an Exchange currency.postWallet QuotesCreate a Card Quote from an Exchange currency into a Main currency.postCreate a Quote by Trading a Main currency into an Exchange currency.postRetrieve a Quote by Id.getFX ExecutionThird-Party ExecutionExecutes a Quote.postMoney Transfer ExecutionInitiate a Payment Request via Bank Transfer.postProcess a Bank Transfer Payment Request.postInitiate a Payment Request via Currency Balance for Money Transfers.postDisplay Quote Status for Bank Transfers.getWallet ExecutionInitiate a Payment Request via Currency Balance for Card Quotes.postCommonProcess a Payment Request.postDisplay Quote Status for Currency Loads.getShows the quote Settlement.postLedgerBalances/Sub BalancesList All Main Balances.getList Main and Pot Balances.getList a specific currency balance.getGets the pot balance.getInternal DistributionCreate a Pot.postTransfer funds to an account.postTransfer funds between balances.postReportingSearch Account Transactions.postSearch Account Deposits.postInbound PaymentsFunds InLists deposit options available.getLists available banks by currency.getOutbound PaymentsCountriesRetrieve a list of countries and their respective bank requirements.getRetrieve a specific country's bank requirements.getRetrieve country bank requirements.getGets country purpose codes.getGets country purpose code information.getBeneficiariesList all Beneficiaries.getCreates a Beneficiary.postChecks for existing Beneficiaries.postRetrieve bank information details.postList Beneficiary by IdgetEdit Beneficiary.putDeletes Beneficiary.deleteGets all beneficiaries by Currency Code.getTransfersLookup Pending Payments.getLookup Payment by Id.getCreate a Payment.postList All Payments.postBulk Payments/api/paymentsgetCreate a Bulk Upload.postLists Bulk Upload by the Id.getProcess or Cancel a Bulk Payment.putUpload a Bulk Payment file.postModify a Single Entry.putInclude or Exclude a Single Entry.putWalletsCurrency CardList Cards.getLookup Card.getView PIN.getActivate Card - Step One.getActivate Card - Step Two.postBlock Card.putUnblock Card.putCard Lost.putCard Stolen.putMove a Card.postCreate Card.postAssign a Card.postActivate Card by Owner.postExpensesExpense summary.getRetrieve all expense categories.getSubmit expense.postRetrieve expense details.getUpdate an expense.putRemove expense.deleteSubmit a receipt.postRetrieve receipt information.getRemove receipt.deleteMulti WalletList Wallets.getCreate Wallet.postLookup Wallet by Name.getLookup Wallet by the Id.getArchive Wallet.putRename Wallet.putRetrieve the Balance for a Specific Wallet.getExchange Currencies.postRetrieve a Specific Currency Balance.getDisplay the Wallet Balances in a Single Currency.getRetrieve Wallet Fund Requests by date.postToggle Purchase Restrictions.putTransfer All Wallet Balances to the Main Balance.postTransfer a Specific Wallet Balance to the Main Balance.postTransactionsLookup Wallet Transactions by Default WalletId.postList Recent Wallet Transactions.postLookup Wallet Transactions by WalletId.postLookup Wallet Transactions by WalletId.postLookup Card Transactions by CardId and WalletId.postLookup Recent Card Transactions.postLookup Card Transactions by CardId and Currency.postLookup Wallet Transactions by WalletId and Currency.postWebhooksWebhooksEnable Webhooks.postDisable Webhooks.putRetrieve All Webhook Endpoints.getEdit Webhook Endpoint.putCreate Webhook Endpoint.postToggle Webhook Endpoint.putPowered by /api/payments/cards/card/{currentId}/default/{proposedId}put https://sandbox.caxton.io/api/payments/cards/card/{currentId}/default/{proposedId}Marks the payment card as default.